Posts in fda-testimonials-2
“I am now very mindful of food and it all makes so much more sense.”

“The biggest thing I learned working with Alix is there are no bad foods. All foods can be part of your life if you just work them in. Alix has an amazing way of making nutrition very matter of fact, straightforward, and simple. I have a much better understanding of foods, what they do for your body, and how to understand macros.

I always ate ‘well’ but without any real knowledge, I just knew good foods and fattening foods and would just eat mindlessly. I am now very mindful of food and it all makes so much more sense. Alix is no-nonsense and tells it like it is which makes everything so much less confusing.”

Hilary Kaden

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“I would never be where I am now 120 pounds down without Alix.”

“Every time I looked in the mirror or put on a bathing suit, I started to feel amazing because I was living my life and I wasn’t restricted. When it comes down to it, you’re able to lose weight AND, you know, live your life. That’s the way Alix teaches her clients. To live your life and make it a full-blown lifestyle.

I would never be where I am now 120 pounds down without Alix. She has literally been my rock through this whole thing. She’s incredible. And you know, I give myself just as much credit too, but honestly, she is probably the only person I will always turn to.”

Dana Rudnitsky

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“It’s such a relief to be out of that ‘all or nothing’ mindset when it comes to dieting.”

“The best thing Alix taught me is that it’s okay for my weight to go up and down a little. I used to get so discouraged if I gained a few pounds back and then I’d just give up and sabotage myself. But Alix showed me that, if I stayed the course, after a day or two of indulgence, my weight would dip right back down. It’s such a relief to be out of the ‘all or nothing’ mindset when it comes to dieting.”

Shannon Entin

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