Terms & Conditions


Views and Disclaimer

The information, views and recommendations on this website and any related social media platforms (including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest) are solely the opinions and beliefs Alix Turoff and her professional experience as a registered dietitian. These views do not necessarily reflect the values, thoughts or opinions of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Statements and concepts on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information and ideas are meant for informational and educational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. The concepts on this website are general recommendations and are not intended to be used as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice or dietitian services.

Readers are advised to do their own research, and to always consult with their healthcare provider before starting any program or taking any advice from this website. Alix, as well as any contributors to this website, claim no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any adverse effects, losses, or damages caused directly or indirectly as a result of the implementation, interpretation, or application of any of the content or material on this website.


Affiliate Link Disclosure

You should also note that although many of the links on this website are purely for informational purposes, some of the links are affiliate links. Alix Turoff Nutrition and Fitness, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. We work with several other affiliate advertising programs, as well, in addition to amazon.com.

This means that if you make a purchase through affiliate links on this website (or any related social media platforms (including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest)), we may make a small commission from that purchase. Earned commissions go to supporting the mission of Alix Turoff Nutrition and Fitness, LLC and keeping this website up to date and running.

That said, I will NEVER link to a product or an article or program that I don’t fully believe and support and/or use myself.


Rules and Respect

Please give credit to the author of any content or images from this website. All content is the property of Alix Turoff Nutrition and Fitness, LLC. I will take legal action if anyone takes any content from this site and uses it as their own.

If you’d like to use any of the copy from this site, use the following template at the top or bottom of the post with the website hyperlinked:

“Written by Alix Turoff MS, RD, CDN, CPT  from alixturoffnutrition.com. Alix is a Registered Dietitian, blogger, and virtual nutrition coach at Alix Turoff Nutrition.

If you share any content from this website on a blog, social media, or anywhere else, please give credit by using the template above and linking directly back to the original content. All designs, content and photos must be credited and linked to the original post.

I also reserve the right to remove any comments if I feel do more harm than good to this community—absolutely zero hate speak or hurtful words to others will be tolerated.


Intellectual Property

It is prohibited to:

Re-sell or trade your access to 30-Day Slim Down; Share 30-Day Slim Down with anyone else who has not yet purchased it or opted to receive it; Reprint any portion of 30-Day Slim Down for distribution; Reproduce and alter any part or whole of the Course for distribution as your own work; Claim ownership or use over any of our intellectual property without our prior written consent.


Return Policy

All sales from www.alixturoffnutrition.com are final, with exception to the 30-Day Slim Down course, which has a 14-day money-back guarantee.

If you decide the 30-Day Slim Down  isn't right for you, within 14 days of enrollment, contact us at info@alixturoffnutrition.com and let us know you’d like a refund by the 14th day at 11:59 EST. You must include your coursework with your request for a refund. If you request a refund and do not include your coursework by the 14th day, you will not be granted a refund. All refunds are discretionary as determined by Alix Turoff Nutrition and Fitness, LLC.


Security and Assumption of Risk

Security. It is your responsibility to secure your username and password. We do not store any whole credit card numbers or payment information, as these are processed through third party processors: Stripe or Paypal. By utilizing these payment processors, you assume all risk or liability for the security of the payment details.

Confidentiality. You have no right to confidentiality unless otherwise explicitly stated, such as in a subsequent client agreement.


Assumption of Risk

By accessing ANY material on this site, you assume all the risk of your access and any subsequent actions you choose to take as a result of the influence, information or educational materials provided to you.

Alix Turoff Nutrition and Fitness, LLC 20 Middle Drive Manahsset, NY 11030 (646) 481-1028 alix@alixturoffnutrition.com