It's Finally Here!


I can’t believe the day is finally here.  I’ve been working on my website for months now and I’m so proud to finally launch it and share it with everyone.

For anyone who doesn’t know me I want to give you a little bit of background about my story.

You can read my about page for the boring details about where I went to college and grad school, where I did my dietetic internship and more but I wanted to share what my journey has looked like more recently.

In August of 2016,  I married my best friend. Two months before our wedding, we learned that my then fiancé (now husband) matched to a fellowship in Interventional Radiology at the University of Alabama Birmingham.  That meant that this New York girl, born and bred  was going to be moving down south for a year.

I grew up between Brooklyn and Long Island, NY;  attended NYU for my undergraduate education


and went on to complete my Master’s degree at NYU.  A few months prior to starting the dietetic internship,  I met my now husband and shortly after we decided to move in together.  We lived together in New York City for almost three years before moving down South.

As a nutrition student, I always knew I wanted to go into private practice.

When the time came and I finally had my RD,  I didn’t feel quite ready (financially and otherwise), to start my own business.  I wanted to get my feet wet and get some experience under my belt before jumping into entrepreneurship. I was lucky to find a great job straight out of my internship and started working full time while finishing up my Master’s. I stayed at the job for nearly 2 years before we heard the news that we would be moving down south.  My biggest fear was not being out of my comfort zone, rather it was that my career was really flourishing and now I needed a new plan. I was fully established in NY. I had COUNTLESS internships during undergrad and grad school. I had networked my ass off and now I felt that I was going to lose it all. Little did I know, this was exactly what I needed to propel me to start laying the foundation for my own business.


I took on some freelance work to provide structure and set to work on building my virtual business Take a look at my Services & Specialties page to learn more about that!


I knew I needed a website but as I started looking, I realized how little I knew about the process. Liability insurance, starting an LLC, opening a business bank account… the list went on and on. I was quickly overwhelmed but not discouraged. I searched around for reasonable web designers and when I was given quotes of $8K, I knew I would have to get crafty. I wound up hiring a freelance web designer for the fraction of the price and you know what they say… you get what you pay for. I wound up having to scrap EVERYTHING she did and build the website myself.

Believe me when I say, I am NOT a web designer. I didn’t want to use SquareSpace or Wix because I’m stubborn and also read that Wordpress was the way to go for long term purposes. Fast forward a few weeks later and lots of tears and frustration and here we have it! It’s not perfect but it’s mine, and I couldn’t be any prouder of it.

While working on my website, I’ve also been hard at work creating recipes, producing content for social media, doing my freelance work and of course, seeing clients which is my bread and butter. I LOVE working one on one with clients and helping them find peace with food and their bodies. I absolutely LOVE what I do and what’s more, because of technology and the changing digital health space, I get to do it from home. Win Win.

I went into college thinking I wanted to be a writer and even after changing paths, I always had a love for writing. I am so lucky that I now get to combine my passions into one big clusterf*ck that I call “Alix Turoff Nutrition and Fitness LLC”.

I hope that you will join me as I continue to build my business and develop content. That said, I want to hear from YOU. What do you want to see? What questions do you have?

I will promise you one thing… I leave the BS at the door. There is so much TERRIBLE nutrition out there and bad science. You won’t find that here. On my site and in my writing, you will find REAL, practical advice, tips and tricks. I won’t sugarcoat the truth and I won’t recommend anything that I don’t love.

I’m not your typical dietitian. I don’t buy everything organic or non-GMO. I hate salmon and kale. Dinner is my biggest meal of the day and yes, I sometimes drink Diet Coke. Sue me.

Staying fit and healthy is hard enough and I’m here to make it EASIER. No one is perfect and your nutrition and fitness definitely does not have to be. The most important thing is that we are healthy and happy.

This post may be long, but I wanted to share my story. I do promise, though, that the recipes will be easy and delicious and the cocktails will be strong!